Ginger on the Loe
Ginger on the Loe is a husband and wife podcast!! They are complete opposites, raised completely different. Ginger aka, Keith was raised super religious and turned out to be a successful entrepreneur with dirty dad jokes that will have you rolling. Meanwhile wife Loe, aka Lauren, is a creative color artist who is basically a spiritual, hippy plant goddess! Amazingly the two both share a dark sense of humor, love for the outdoors and enjoy having deep talks that leave Keith filled with anxiety and Lauren about to pee her pants. If you are looking for a freakishly relatable/average married couple to be BFFs with, you are in the right place! Be prepared to laugh your ass off, get offended by dark humor, have real life issues and some of Laurens crazy philosophical theories! Weekly episodes. Rated for Mature Audience's.
35 episodes
35 Sex Chronicles
Episode 35: Ginger on the Loe take you back to the early days. They share how sex has evolved over the years. Stories about their first interactions with porn, sexual feelings and experiences. They most likely will regret sharing so...
Episode 35

34 Spouse Questionnaire
Episode34: Ginger on the Loe use this episode to have a lighthearted, how well do you know me test. Ginger and Loe take turns picking out questions randomly to ask each other. This could be the most laid-back episode ever or could c...
Episode 34

33 Teal Swan, Cult or Spiritual Guru?
Episode 33: Two-hour episode uncovering the truths, theories, and controversies around the new age spiritual guru Teal Swan. Teal Swan is the hot topic everyone is talking about. She built her fame from YouTube and now has gained a huge followi...
Episode 33

32 Shitty Times
Episode 32: A lot is going on around the world. Ginger On the Loe do dive into some of the controversial topics like abortion. But do not worry it isn't all a downer! Things get shitty. Example talking about actual shit. Definitely some ...
Episode 32

31 We're Back, Lets Catch Up
Episode 31: Ginger On The Loe i back and ready to get back in the routine of weekly epsiodes publishing every Monday! This episode they take the time to catch you up on what has been happening over the last serval months. They both left their j...
Episode 31

Numerology and Angel Numbers
Episode 30: Todays episode is about numerology and finding your life path number. Life path numbers can go hand and hand with astrology but it is different. Find out your life path number by adding up your birthdate. Examp...
Episode 30

Life Through Different Lenses
Episode 29: Todays episode we have CJ Deaton on! CJ is a Florida local, in the National Guard, a husband and father of two. CJ explains a test they do in the military that basically tells you what lenses you see life through! After ...
Episode 29

Rating Rockville 2021
Episode 28: Today Ginger On The Loe go over their anniversary weekend at Daytona Beach Rockville. Happy three years of marriage to Keith and Loe! They got to see so many awesome bands so, they discuss the quality of each performance...
Episode 28

Self Growth and Sacral Chakra
Episode27: On todays episode Keith shares his exciting news! He attended a workshop to help improve and grow as a person. Somehow music festival necessities are brought up and wouldn't you know a pee funnel is apart of that! Rockvil...
Episode 27

Root Chakra and Life Updates
Episode 26: Todays episode Ginger and Loe discuss their spontaneous date night they went on. The perks of being married and getting double beds at a hotel! They share the tea when local teacher gets only 2.5 year sentence when sleep...

Bad Grades Lead To Tough Decisions
Episode 25: Today on Ginger On The Loe, parenting tactics are discussed when one of their children gets bad grades on their report card. How would you handle the situation? Loe and Keith talk about the thought process they went thro...
Episode 25

Dabbling In An Open Relationship
Episode 24: An open relationships is the subject of todays episode. Ever wanted to have an open relationship or was curious why the heck people would want to have one? Well today, our guest Julie and Sean share their experience. Th...
Episode 24

Home Depot B-day and Mercury Retrograde
Episode 23: On this weeks episode, Ginger On The Loe talk about their busy week. They saw a comedian John Crist with friends, followed by a kids birthday party that was home depot themed...you will have to listen to find out why it...
Episode 23

Orgasms, Sex Questions and Reddit Confessions
Episode 21: This weeks episode dances all around the topic SEX! Who doesn't love chatting about that topic?! Ginger On The Loe give a quick life update, then go straight to Reddit Confessions #2. One of the topics go into how this ...
Episode 22

Loe Turns 30 and Football
Episode 21: Ginger on the Loe decided to record after a date night they had! they discuss how important it is to continue to date each other. Loe has a death in the family and how that has been. To brighten things up the share the f...
Episode 21

Reddit Confessions and a Collective Message
Episode 20: Thank you for being patient with Ginger On The Loe's newest episode coming out one day late due to Labor Day Holiday. Todays episode gets a little raunchy at some moments, vulgar joking (nothing should ever be taken seri...
Episode 20

Career Choices, Vaccines and TikTok
Episode 19: Yes, Ginger On The Loe are all over the place again! They discuss Loe's feelings about the hair industry and how social media impacts clients. Somehow belly buttons get brought up. Ew! Ginger shares his memes of the week. New name i...
Episode 19

Surviving Covid, New Goals and Relationship Roles in The House
Episode18: Ginger On The Loe want to sincerely apologize for not uploading a new episode last week! In this weeks episode, Ginger and Loe discuss how Covid-19 hit their home. The symptoms, the scariness of it all and covid while hav...
Episode 18

Catch Up On Life
Episode 17: Catch up on life with Ginger On The Loe. Ginger traveled to spend time with one of his long time best friends in Virginia. Loe went to a weekend workshop, hear how her life has been transformed, LOL. The time apart allow...
Episode 17

High school in 2021 and Our Brother Matt
Episode 16Our brother Matt joins us on this weeks episode. Matt is the youngest of four in Gingers family. While staying with Ginger and Loe for the weekend and eating all their food. They thought having a younger perspective on the ...
Episode 16

Astrology Basics
Ginger On The Loe discuss all the basics around astrology. Astrology is so much fun! What is astrology? How do I find out my signs? How could planets determine your characteristics? Find it all out in this episode! Loe loves astrology and expla...
Episode 15

Hurricanes, Weed, and Transgenders Playing sports Controversy
Episode 14:This episode gets a little controversial during the sports segment. But first, Ginger On The Loe discuss hurricane Elsa making her way near Florida. How Florida is split with two kinds of people during the final days befor...
Episode 14

Family Vacation
Episode 13: Today on Ginger On The Loe, they discuss their amazing family vacation and all the ups and downs they experienced. I think most who have kids can relate to this episode. From the timeshare putting them in a roo...
Episode 13