Ginger on the Loe

Surviving Covid, New Goals and Relationship Roles in The House

Lauren and Keith Melanson Episode 18

Episode18: Ginger On The Loe want to sincerely apologize for not uploading a new episode last week! In this weeks episode, Ginger and Loe discuss how Covid-19 hit their home. The symptoms, the scariness of it all and covid while having children home.  Everyone is fine! But the whole process changed Ginger and Loe's perspective on what they want in life.  Loe wants to quit her job and Ginger wants to loose weight. Loe wants the financial freedom to just not worry about money while leaving Ginger to provide for the family... Which he is happy about. Is that even fair? What does your house think about roles each other play in the home. Is your house split 50/50 or do you have a more traditional household? Let us know!

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