Ginger on the Loe
Ginger on the Loe
Root Chakra and Life Updates
Episode 26: Todays episode Ginger and Loe discuss their spontaneous date night they went on. The perks of being married and getting double beds at a hotel! They share the tea when local teacher gets only 2.5 year sentence when sleeping with student. What is your opinion? For sports Ginger explains Brady's new record and what happened with a fan.
Spiritual segment is all about the root chakra. The root chakra is the first chakra. Loe answers what chakras even are and how they can effect your daily life if it is blocked or overacting. Loe even shares the scientific information backing up chakras for you science nerds :) This is the first of seven episodes where Loe goes into details about one of the seven chakras.
For even more information on Chakras and where I got some of my information from, Click the link below!